Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Off-topic life blog entry

This entry's one of those that I categorize under "life." But it seems like ebloggy's server is acting weird and won't accept my connection. Anyway, just wanted to mention, for those of you keeping track, I got another phone call late last night from mum. She reports that my aunts arrived in Hong Kong a few days ago and my grandmother's doing just fine for the moment. She's no longer wearing the oxygen mask and appears fairly lucid (as lucid as a Alzheimers victim can be anyhow). In the meantime, mum has still applied for a passport renewal just in case anything happens. I reassured her I'd come home this weekend just for the hell of it. If I were really anal I might have insisted on visiting after my mail order stuff came in since I'm sure my folks would get a kick out of seeing the latest HK flicks... Not a big deal.

1 comment:

running42k said...

Glad to hear that grandma is doing better.