Thursday, March 03, 2005

where does the time go?

...before I knew it, the day had just disappear (like sand in the hourglass, so go...).


Came in on time for a change - jumped into the whole acting-team-leader bit. Manager wanted a poll on reactions to the possible team-reorganization. Personally: "Typical - when the government wants to slip something between the cracks, they shuffle stuff people around." Sat in on an hour-long management meeting. Bleah. Then another team leader in my section paniced and asked about the release migration to testing since their staff member in charge of that called in sick - I switched into my acting-release-coordinator role and negotiated the system impact with the Resynch team. I also found out that I'm security officer again tonight.

When do I get paid for this again? ~_~;

One thing: I'll never make fun of a team-leader's job again.

It was time for lunch before I could stop and breathe. Pizza was good for a change. The company helps: UDG was telling me that her son was getting in video games. Ah yes, the next generation corrupted as we speak! ^_-
She also mentioned that the little guy was starting to notice the subtle differences between his body and mom's body. Time to stop bathing with him, she supposed. To which I couldn't help but joke: "I dunno what you mean, maybe you oughtta show me these differences!" ^o^;;

Speaking of oddball conversations... I finally got a hold of some old friends from back home. We spoke on the phone for over 90 minutes (thankfully I with Bell First-rate so my long-distance charges top out at $20 each month). Money well-spent anyway. It was good to hear that they're doing well. Life goes on: I haven't seen them since those two got married and they couldn't believe when I told them that was over 5 years ago.

Hmmm... sometimes I'd just like to sit down forget everything for a while. *sigh*

1 comment:

Becks said...

It's called "doing shots" *nod* you'll at least forget what you did the night before!!
