Saturday, March 26, 2005

Hmm... car blocked in - lonely Saturday morning

Must be my 9-5 existence intruding on my weekend life. As usual I'm the first one up when I come home to visit my folks. Naturally, if I figure to go gas up (avoiding daytime traffic of the sleepy small-town environment), I can't. Can't even wash my car.

Hmm... I wonder - maybe that should be on my to-do list. Y'know - just water down the dirt and salt that's accumulated during the winter. Doesn't even need soap.

Which reminds me - I bought a carwash ticket at the station near my office the other day. It's March now - and the ticket indicates an expiry date for June! WTF? Whatever, I aim to use it next week anyway.

Heh - with a cheque for a few hundred bucks burning a hole in my pocket I've taken to day-dreaming about all the cool sh*t I could waste it on. The curse of the tax refund - knowing that the money was yours all along and that the government is just returning it to you. And knowing that means: "it's as good as spent."
My brother was showing off his new digicam last night. Pretty slick little Kodak. I want one now.

It's either that or perhaps that neat PSP I've heard so much about. Saw it on a store shelf just yesterday. Oooh.... sweetness. Now that the "real-world" reviews are in (don't really trust those big-name professional reviews), I'm pretty much sold. Especially since they've got that limited edition bundle available that comes with the Gretzky-endorsed hockey game.

Oh yeah - did I mention? That silly Canadian Tire -edition MasterCard arrived in the mail this week. I believe you get 1% CT Money on purchases not made at a CT store. So I figure slapping a $300 goody like a PSP on it means I'm entitled to a free bottle wind-shield washer fluid. And you know - you can never have too much washer fluid. ^o^

Should check the weather but I think it's a balmy 2 degrees plus at the moment... just good enough that I won't turn the car into an ice-cube if I water it down... ^_^

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