Saturday, March 12, 2005

Galactus Hungers ...I oughtta eat something...

It's past noon and I'm still in my PJs. What the hell?

I haven't had breakfast yet. I cleaned out my leftovers during the week so the only thing that's "ready to eat" in the place is some oatmeal cookies (which would be nice... but is hardly breakfast) and maybe I'll see about that loaf of bread in the fridge. I suppose I'll settle for toast. Maybe some instant coffee. I'm so not in the mood for anything.

The best thing of the last week? Maybe it was watching "Get Shorty" again. The new DVD package that just came out is great - disc 2 is what DVD is all about. Lots of interview material with Travolta, Hackman, and DeVito (well, yeah, Rene Russou's there but she wasn't particularly fantastic in this film anyway so...). I wish all DVD were produced this well.

I also remembered that a while ago I successfully found a bit-torrent for Bucky O'Hare and had it sitting on my drive. Not sure how that all came together but Neal Adams was known for doing a lot of the super-hero comics in the early 80s - particularly his rendition of Batman. Adams eventually left DC Comics and started up Continuity (they're more an animation studio nowadays, I think). But back in the day it was one of the few independents that had more than a few titles on newstands (thanks in part to a license-deal to do adaptations of "Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future"). The other "little-guy" was Dark Horse, famous for a little known project called Alien Versus Predator -y'all might've heard of that somewhere.
So anyway, Adams put out this ridiculous cartoony green rabbit in a red uniform and a pistol. Teamed said hare with a 4-armed weapons master duck in a baseball cap, a cyclops robot engineer and a bezerker baboon. Then threw them all into a tiny space-frigate christened "Righteous Indignation" in a war against the evil Toad Empire. Sound silly enough? Yeah. It went as far as a cartoon show (sadly only lasting about 13 episodes or so - but still, let's hear it for the little guy).

None of this alters the fact that I'm still hungry for toast now. Maybe I oughtta check the canal (hope their web-cam is still up and running). Looks cold enough for a quick skate this afternoon. That oughtta get me off my ass.

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