Monday, March 28, 2005

Bleah I out of it

Feeling out of sorts now that it's Monday and I'm still not at work. Still got 2 days off that I can blow - and not sure what to do with them. And this morning I couldn't even post comments right on other bloggers' pages.

Got word from the Babous that thay cancelled their anniversary trip yet again. *sigh* I feel for them as they are the one couple who can never get a break. I was just saying to them the other day that I should probably visit more often and play with the kids a bit more - y'know, just to give the little ones someone other that themselves to socialize with.
Maybe next weekend...

Played a game of WH40K last night. Damn it - I really need to read the rulebook more often just to get the games going a little faster. After only 3 turns I decided to call it quits (it was midnight: we started around 9pm). Sheesh. It didn't help that I was still running on lack of sleep from the previous night.

Anywho... sounds like my brother just got up (not sure if up means "alive" or just "not asleep." Gonna go bug him for a while...


Becks said...

hmm. two days off. hmm.

anywhere fun that is a day's drive away? how's the weather? you could rent a motorcycle. hehee.

or, built a fort out of blankets and boxes, and sit in it with a box of fruity pebbles and invite some friends over to play hotwheels.

Ben-Ohki said...

Don't tempt me with the Hotwheels... ^_^;