Sunday, March 27, 2005

My feel-good morning

Happy Easter folks. Got up at 9:30am this morning - which is (somewhat unbelieveably) the latest I've slept in for quite some time.

So after going out for local cuisine (ie: greasy-spoon) ^_^;
...ran out at got that PSP I wanted. Sweetness. And timing worked out great. I was able to get a hold of an old college buddy who still lives in the area. So I left the new gadget charging and headed out to spend the evening with them. When I got home later (about half past midnight) I was told there had been a power blackout... so my brother had the opportunity to watch a movie on my new gadget. Yay.

As for myself - the evening was very nice. Didn't catch up on as many details as I wanted (what do you expect - hadn't seen them in like 2 years). But what the hell, I had a good time.

This morning - just bummed around. My parents and I watched a few movies ...typical. What else to do on a day off... I guess my folks are just glad to be off their feet for 24 hours.

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