Monday, March 14, 2005

Sony does it to me again...

I'll never get this... after settling my income tax return and finding that I should expected several hundred dollars in refunds, I started to reconsider that MP3 player for my car again. This morning, for the hell of it (since I had a couple of CDs I was going to bring to work), I decided to stick a disc in and see what would happen. 'Lo and behold, the CD started playing!

This all reminds me of a portable Sony keyboard I have for my Palm... It crapped out and wouldn't work for several months. Then one afternoon, I decided to plug it in and surprise - I was able to type text into my Palm normally.

The ultimate irony of the situation is that in the last two months I've really gotten used to listening to talk radio on the way to work. You get all the latest news headlines without having to read anything (making for a much more productive day since I'm not distracted by reading news on the web).

But now that I've got money... @_@ What to do ...what to do... ??

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