Thursday, April 14, 2005

Well huh... okay... so are we on or not?

So this it's been like 2 full business days since I won that auction for the Wolvie bust. But the seller still hasn't responded to my request for final shipping. So I went back to the auction page to double-check all the details thinking, maybe I had misread the shipping instructions and was supposed to just send payment right away after all.



I went over the section for shipping instructions with a fine-toothed comb and for the first time I notice this little clause they had in there that buyers with less that 20 feedback should email them before bidding! What the heck?!

I mean, I understand that some sellers won't sell to newbies with zero-feedbacks. But I've been eBaying for more than 5 years. I just have really low feedback because I'm not one of those guys who's constantly buying stuff on eBay - I reserve eBay for finding older stuff that I can't get in stores. So my 15 feedback don't actually reflect how long I've been eBaying.

Still, I sent them a second email this time explaining that I'd missed that tiny clause. (I mean, really - did anybody see that?)... and that I hoped everything was okay but if they wanted to cancel our deal, I'd be okay with that (provided they don't negative feedback me).

At this moment I'm just a little irritated that they've pretty much ignored me thus far. Like is the deal on or off?

1 comment:

Becks said...

sometimes I wonder if they put clauses like that out there to be able to back out of the deal if they didn't get a price they wanted or something. I've always had great luck, for the better part. though... it has been a week and a half since I won the MAD Magazine..and it's not here... hmm. I may have to do some emailing myself this morning!