Sunday, April 17, 2005

Colour me stupid... must be blind or something

Well, I went back to that auction one more time this morning in between checking my inbox thinking I may have yet again missed something important (and no, I never did get a reply about that Feedback question). But this time I noticed that the auction page itself had been updated. The page now links directly to a Pay Now page updated with the shipping stuff for Canada. Which in itself is weird because if something as important as that happened, you'd think that eBay itself would've sent me a notification via email. But no... I had to stumbling on it myself.

So I clicked the link, got redirected to Paypal and I sent my payment. In the optional "message to seller" box, I mentioned that they hadn't sent me anything regarding my Below-20-Feedbacks status and that I must assume that they were okay with this sale... and so I paid. And at the very least, if this deal goes south, I figure I can take it up with Paypal themselves.

Speaking of eBaying, that wristwatch I talk about now and then showed up again. This time from a Canadian seller - sweet. No cross-border UPS charges! Never did figure that out - why FedEx will collect any duty or customs fees and UPS goes through this thing called "Global Logistics" and charges you additional fees for that.

Lazy Sunday continues... gassed up already so I'll beat it after supper. Overall, a fairly healthy weekend, I think.

1 comment:

Becks said...

yes,..but have you seen the USB watch? *waggles brows* ;)