Friday, April 22, 2005

Ah Friday... [sigh of relief here]

From rereading my last post over at the FusionAce blog, you I'd have been ready to rampage across the country on a mad dash to destroy the world... But at the moment I've settled down and realized it's not such a big deal.

Not that all's right with the world. For instance, that eBay seller is still AWOL.

On the other hand, I finally got my DVDs... colour me a fool, though. Turns out that my package had been sitting for several days in the admin office and they just missed me (usually they'll leave a note in my mailbox). But I never got that note so...

It's good to know one more transaction is over (and I get 3-for-1 on feedbacks since it was 3 seperate Buy-It-Now's I made)... I just hope the seller leaves it quickly.

I'll give that other guy another two days. Come Sunday, I'll write them again reminding them that it's been a full 12 days since the auction closed, 7 days since I sent my Paypal, and 4 days since the last time I asked them to get in touch with me. I think I might need to use stronger language this time... Ugh. [rolls eyes]

Babou sent me an email at the office this morning inviting me to bring my PC over for a round of network games tonight... Whoa - remembered that I haven't reinstalled any games since that drive reformatting business back in October. Hasn't been much of a priority now that I have my PSP, of course.

Well, still... actually, I'd like to go over if only just to see the result of that box we worked on the other night. Must be really cool with all the gimmick lighting and stuff.

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