Thursday, April 07, 2005

This story amuses me becuase it's true

Babou lives right here in Canada but still downloads tv episodes... Bit-Torrent is like a virtual shared VCR to him.

Lost without Lost?

And I have to admit - me having been fully established as a geek - even I downloaded the full season of the new Battlestar Galactica (even though I'm always home on Sunday evenings to catch it on Space (Canada's version of Sci-Fi Channel).

I'm still a little peeved about the take-down of ...but isn't everybody? ~_~;


Becks said...

You know what I miss? Buck Rogers. *nod* Gil Gerard... Twiggy... the hot brunette that ended up on Different strokes (not the designing women lady, the other one).


Ben-Ohki said...

bidibidibidi ...Col. Wilma Derling: intrepid space pilot and single-handedly teaching me to respect a woman in a skin-tight body-suit...

...and why did Twiki talk like that anyway? ^_^; bidibidibidi

Becks said...

turns out, netflix has the WHOLE SERIES!! Including the full length movie!! *GIGGLE*

I'm not sure, I think that was so we didn't confuse his little metallic self with the humans.


god, yes. I so wanted to be here. Erin Gray. Mmm. hmm.

And Gil was nothing to sneeze at in his little tights. But... you probably don't quite have the same appreciation for that as I do. ;)