Sunday, April 03, 2005

Enough crap to last me!

It's been raining out... which is great since I think the weather's finally going to settle down into a "spring-time" climate. While it didn't rain this morning it certainly was dreary most of the day and I got to thinking that the only thing I could do (rather than my usual weekend marathon into town) was to go shopping and blow some cash... something I've been doing with alarming frequency as of late.

I decided to stay in today.

And you know what? Turns out I wasn't as bored as I thought I'd be. Didn't need to blow money to entertain myself. I realized that with all the crap I've accumulated in my apartment lately, I could pretty much keep myself busy enough passing the time for a day.

Started off this morning an hour late (for those of you in the middle latitudes, you may have heard of this thing called "Daylight Savings Time" originally developed by the agriculture community).
Goofed away the day and still found time to make some scrambled eggs for a quick brunch. I also did the dishes - which is something to be proud of as they've been piling up for a while. Passed the day away with the PSP playing GretzkyNHL - I wish there'd be someone out there with their wi-fi switch on... I could do with some actual human interaction. Also snuck in an email session and sent off some messages to friends I haven't spoken to in a while.

In the afternoon I popped in the third volume of Burn-Up Scramble - something I'd meant to do for several days. After months of waiting, the third volume finally delivered some serious action. True, it's an anime title long-since known for gratuitous violence and fan-service shots of the main heroine's body, but still, a police-actioner is a police-actioner and there's plenty of room for sci-fi thrills. Now if only they'd hurry up and release the next volume of Ghost in the Shell - seems like an eternity since volume 4 came out.

Managed a quick work-out with Antigrav when the sun came out and lit up the apartment (broke a sweat - but not sure if it's because the game's gotten tougher or if I'm just out of shape). ^o^;

Before I knew it - the afternoon hit 5pm. So now I've just made myself some coffee and am thinking it's about time to pop a pizza in the oven or something similarly easy for supper. The up-side to the pizza would be that I automatically get leftovers for lunch tomorrow. ^_^;;;

What to do ...what to do? I guess I'm just pleased to have managed a whole day without spending a single penny on non-essentials...

1 comment:

Becks said...

I can very much relate. I used to spend probably no less than 20 bucks and up to 100 a day a lot of weeks. When I finally decided to make lunches and plan ahead a little, I had no idea what to do with myself! It almost drove me mad the first few days. I was feeling compelled to spend money on SOoooMETHING! hehehe. isn't it bliss when you can enjoy it? :)