Sunday, April 10, 2005

Odds'n'Ends - Impulse Saturday

Woke up this morning feeling a little off. Spent the day yesterday enjoying the sun. Went for a walk into town with only a sweater on (very comfortable for a change). I'm so used to wearing an extra jacket because on weekdays, I'm off to my office before the sun is up and it's usually pretty close to freezing.

Didn't count on it, but I ended up spending a bit of money too. Made a huge 3-egg omlette before heading out so I wasn't hungry for lunch anymore. Walked across downtown all the way to Silver-Snail. Half expecting to find some goodies but half thinking I should save my money. Came home with:

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The guy in the middle might look familiar... he's Leo Convoy. In America, while Transformers sort of faded from popularity in the early to mid 90s, the Japanese anime continued full-bore and never stopped. The Japanese counterpart of "Beast Wars" branched off into something called "Beast Wars Neo" and featured yet another version of Optimus - this time a robot lion.
He just looks cool to me... And so did the two buddies flanking him. When the old Generation-One Transformers came to an end Stateside, Japan continued with Transformers 2010 and Transformers Victory... these two fellas were featured prominently in the latter replacing Optimus as the leader of the good-guys. But I'm no expert on the matter. Try - curiously, the site's owner shares my name!!

Where was I? Oh yes, so I wasn't hungry. There I was with a strawberry/banana smoothie in hand when I wandered into HMV. Just a week after complaining that it was delayed, I found the 5th volume of Ghost in the Shell... the special edition also came with a goody inside. An ID card of every's favourite tough-guy cyborg:
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(The Major's card is from a previous volume)

I can only wonder if I'll ever bother taking these out of their cases again... ever. ^_^;

My final score was at a local sushi place where they were offering a 2 for 1 deal so not only did I get a nice dinner, but I brought home a second free package. That's dinner tonight, I guess!

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