Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Esso Extra - not as long as I thought

Wheee! A goody arrived in the mail today. Last week I hit the EssoExtra web site (with the price of gas lately, it's been so much easier to collect points for loyalty programs)... I decided to redeem a bunch of points for a $25 gift certificate at HMV. I figure that ought to cover the 6th volume of Ghost in the Shell when it finally comes out (always seem to be waiting for that series, don't I?

Or I could just shop around - never know who's got the best price, especially when it comes to readily available stuff like DVDs and/or CDs... Could save a buck here and there if I'm careful. But that's just a general rule I follow anyway.

Speaking of readily available, a bunch of stuff showed up on eBay this week I've been hunting for. That Wolvie bust is only the beginning (shudder: thank goodness for credit)... win now, pay later... say late May by the time the statement for the next billing period arrives. *whew* @_@

I'll be sure to mention everything that goes into my display cabinets - if you're lucky, I'll take photos.

Which further reminds me: I should probably look into getting tenant's insurance for all this sh*t... Hmm...

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