Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Quealuun-Rau and Miria by Yamato

Sharing more of my hobby stuff... this package arrived today all the way from Hong Kong. (Try to ignore that ridiculously huge Power Rangers vintage toy behind her)... it's the villainous "Quealuun-Rau" ace pilot, Miria from the classic Macross (or Robotech to the rest of the world)...

While the red monster 'bot came with a tiny pilot figure, I went ahead and ordered the option set... came with three "bodies" and two "heads." The bodies were "sitting in cockpit" position, a standing pose in her sexy pilot's uniform, and her "wedding dress" when she married our hero, Max. The two heads are with a helmet and the other with her hair down. The option kit features a way nicer sculpt on the faces and stuff... Too bad my camera sucks so badly that I can't share that part of it.

The only thing that could really ruin my week at this point is if that traffic ticket I thought I had coming actually arrives. ^o^

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