Sunday, March 11, 2007

where's my box?

Looks like I won't get my stuff until Tuesday evening after work. It seems that if a package arrives at Sorting around 4am, then it'll be out for delivery that day. If it arrives by 6:40am, then no, it's too late for that day. Anyway, as you can see by the Options, it'll take a signature, meaning the delivery will knock on my door on Monday while I'm at work, leave a notice, and then drop it off at the local mail office. And I, will arrive home on Monday, get my notice card, and then finally pick it up on the way home on Tuesday (assuming the office isn't open that early when I'm on my way to work).

On the bright side, I've been thoroughly entertained this weekend. A buddy from work loaned me his DVD of last year's big hit, "Bon Cop Bad Cop." As an "outsider" neither purely Anglophone nor anything resembling a Francophone, but being fluently bilingual, I couldn't help laughing at the blatant racism depicted in the movie - because it's so real. Unless you've lived in the parts of Quebec I have, you wouldn't believe how ignorant people can be when it comes to the language tensions. There ARE Anglophone "pocket" populations in Quebec and they somehow survive and remain incredibly heated about the issue... so it's not just the French who dislike the English. Trust me, it's more complicated than you think. But what a damn good film it makes.

I also spent about 4 hours playing Dawn of War last night. Not with the same people all night but still I was almost getting swamp-ass for it. mrbabou got his router troubles solved with some firmware upgrades. My brother showed up later. And surprisingly, WeirdGuy made it too... I had my doubts, between computer troubles and an insane loading time (for a little while, I thought he'd crashed and caused our game to go down with him), the scenario finally started up and we had a blast (I did anyway). It's not often I play with someone even less competent than me... LOL.


Weirdguy said...

Hey not fair ! I'll play more and get better !

MrBabou said...

Oh, so Weirdguy did join you guys afterwards? Hopefully I will be there next time. It would be fun to be the four of us, and even end the evening with a "free for all"!!! hehehe