Thursday, October 20, 2005

big decisions for minor details

Okay, not really big decisions to make... just annoying choices.

Like if I check my messages, this afternoon, will I hear from the local shop about that case I ordered? And if, so when to pick it up?

If I've timed everything correctly, my latest Toy-Wave order should be arriving today... means I need to head home to catch the admin office before the super closes up for the evening. (I'll blog about what I ordered later; it's kind of a long story behind it).

Mmm... need to stop by Toys R Us on the way home tomorrow night. The big hooplah on the Red Flag Deals message boards is that there's been yet another f*ck up on pricing. The latest edition of Burn-Out was priced at an astounding $15. There're a couple of legit sales I want to check out but I'll also try my luck for that one. If I had any common sense, I should've check this out sooner.

...and on another weird note...
I guess my mother's being a busy-body. I had sent over some reference pictures of Mace Windu for that Halloween costume I was planning. I asked her to take a look to help me work out a pattern. Little did I realize that she's already started working on it. Sent me some photos last night of dad modelling the new Jedi robe (looks almost complete, actually). Told her so: she's finding retirement boring! ^_^;

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