Monday, August 08, 2005

speaking of clocks: my "cool" watch

Long time readers may recall the fuss I made about a watch I won through an eBay auction earlier this year. It's by Oakley and therefore somewhat difficult to come by in Canada (they're made and shipped from Stateside - even if you order thru the Canadian web-site).

Anyway, just thought it was a funny thing this past week. I must've been living the hermit life or something (or at least my left wrist has been doing so). I've worn the watch nearly 5 months now and for the first time I started getting complimented on "that's a cool watch you're wearing!"

Brown brought it up last week (granted we haven't been hanging together much but still, we've seen each other often enough). And my cousins last weekend commented on it (I suppose that was expected: when they last saw me I was in the midst of an eBay bidding-war for this very watch)... And the guys at the comic-book shop downtown likened it to "something Batman would wear."

On a related note - I've just discovered this morning that it hadn't been set right since I got it. All this time I thought it was a defect of some sort (not surprising considering how I got this watch).
Hard to tell since the minutes hand is "smooth-movement" and does not "tick." The only way I ever noticed this problem was while playing with the alarm a while back.
The alarm is a seperate dial you set like a "detonator." But it's much simpler than the main dial isn't smooth; it ticks.

Therein was the problem: and the tick would occur only at the 45seconds mark... and the alarm would always sound at 45 seconds - not at zero. It was as though the whole watch had been tuned to be 15 seconds off. Turns out that all I needed to do was to wait until the seconds hand was at zero, and resync my watch completely (play with the minutes hand just a bit). Colour me embarrassed. ^.^

1 comment:

Becks said...

That's how we chicks feel when we agonized over a haircut, and finally go for it, and no one says anything for weeks. ;)