Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Pics: more crap I posess

Just following up on a couple of things:

Finally here's the watch I was talking about before...

To which UG plainly said, "my god, when I buy a watch I'm busy thinking about how soon before it breaks." ^_^;

{side note: yeah, that's that trusty old keyboard I'm using at home for the moment - at least until I get around to upgrading back to something bit more hi-tech... in the meantime, all I ask is that it frickin' works}

And here's another pic I snapped (cropped of course, you don't need to see the rest of the crap on my desk, etc). The pic is a request from the cronies on Robot-Japan who asked to see my RM-Series Transformers collection (yes, those little bots on the right).

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us


running42k said...

Nice watch. Oakley, is that like the glasses?

Ben-Ohki said...

Yup - according to their site, they make a bunch of accessories but you gotta import from the States... This'll likely be the last watch I buy from them. ^_~;

Becks said...

Sweeeet!! Mm. Oakley. I miss my blades. *sigh*
Very cool! I'm diggin it.

Love the collection, too. Optimus Prime. *ooOoOooOo*