Friday, August 05, 2005

For the score-keeper

For those few people out there who's been givin' a flying sh*t, I left the machine on all night to finish a bit-torrent I had going. The machine did not crash and appeared fine when I check this morning (I did turn it off since it's been super hot lately and the heat can't be good for a computer).

I'm still a little miffed about not being able to run the full 200MHz the RAM is supposed be spec at. And that my motherboard supports it and is known to be less-than reliable when pushing the top end of the spectrum.

Maybe this weekend I'll take the sticks back to the shop to have them tested just to be sure.
Oh yeah, also, lately my machine has been giving me "warning beeps" in Windows for no apparent reason. Weird. Oh well.

Hey - on another topic: the comics place is having their fall sale this week (everybody's on that back-to-school blitz, I guess... not sure what reading comics has to do with anything tho). I picked up two graphic novels last night at 20% discounts on cover. The first I read almost in one sitting - the epic Avengers: Disassembled recounting the recent event (last summer, I guess) where everything went from bad to worse and culminated in the end of the traditional line of the Avengers (i.e.: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Wasp, Yellowjacket, et al). They're back as a new team, by the way, but hardly recognizable.
The second was a cool hard-bound book collecting the mini-series from a year or so ago called Phoenix: End Song. This one I read during my lunch break today. The deadly entity known as Phoenix is back and looking for its old human host.... but Jean Grey has been dead for a while... what's a power-cosmic to do? And how does Jean's widower, Cyclops, and the rest of the X-Men deal with this? Cool story, really.

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