Monday, August 29, 2005

Minor follow-ups: fans and props

Hmm... let's see.
Just check the order tracking option on the NCIX web site. Still haven't shipped that CPU fan I ordered. At this rate it'll ship and then it'll take forever to go cross country and knowing my luck it'll arrive in town on Monday morning... Labour Day. So I won't see it until Tuesday. Ugh.

Then again, maybe it really is slotted for shipping today and they just haven't gotten around to it since NCIX is on the west coast (it's late afternoon here but, y'know).

After being thoroughly thrown off schedule last night around midnight I had the urge to play with that defective (or just REALLY delicate) lightsaber. Dug it out from storage and plugged in a set of batteries. Worked okay but still, swing it hard enough and you see a portion go dimmer. Got over being disappointed to went to bed. I suppose I'll live, but I just wish I could get an answer from the store about when I might be able to expect a replacement.
I was digging around my wallet over the weekend and realized that it has already been a month since I bought the thing. Holy cow, what's up with Rob's distributor?! Like I said, at worst case I'll always have to treat mine with extra-special care, but I certainly wish I had one that worked right like everybody else's.

Lastly - finally got around to picking up Final Fantasy X-2 again. Damn it's been a while. I could barely recall where I was in the story. Still fun though and I got back into it fairly quickly.

Need to get milk, juice and other essentials tonight, but it'll likely be another session of PS2 after supper...


Becks said...

*smile* I hope you get your replacement soon! Who do you have to do battle with? Babous? :D

Ben-Ohki said...

The little babous think the lightsaber is the coolest thing EVER but are fairly well-grounded kids and understood that it was not a toy. Mommy and Daddy, were also suitably jelous of me, but alas had some common sense and did not buy one. ^_^;