Sunday, July 10, 2005

If bored Friday, I've been dead since

What a wash-out... I just glanced at the clock and thought: wow - it's almost supper time. That's right, I never even made it out of my apartment today. Just as well, the temperature went up again.

Went into town as usual yesterday on foot. Wasn't nearly as hot as today. My haul:
The OMAC Project #3
DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy #2
Amazing Fantasy #10
Fathom #2

Wipeout Pure for PSP used - saved about $5.

And a novelty T-shirt featuring a print of the green 1-Up mushroom from the classic Super Mario Bros. game...

No comments to share on any of it. Except perhaps the OMAC story-line - freaky. Cool... can't wait to see what this all leads up to. I'm not nearly as hardcore when it comes to collecting comics as before, but I thoroughly enjoyed Identity Crisis last summer so I'm looking forward to this big event DC has been hyping up for the fall.

Oh, I've also discovered that I'm none too sure of how I look in green. Maybe I should've gone with the red mushroom shirt...

1 comment:

Becks said...

so, lessee the shirt! sounds cute. :)

Nuttin' wrong with staying in all day. That's what we did! Lots of motorcycle racing and fox programming, some studying and just being toads. mmm. toads.
