Thursday, May 19, 2005

Sith Happens

Initial reactions: satisfaction... somehow I'm now thinking, it was all worthwhile. The pointlessness of episodes 1 and 2 suddenly diminish in the wake of episode 3. Everything, and I mean everything is wrapped up in this final film - bringing us all the way full circle to where the original Star Wars picked up. So I can gladly say, for once, George Lucas and his cronies delivered what they promised.

Starfish and I left work together, headed to the mall for a bite to eat and then crammed into a packed house. We say practically front row (thankfully, actually the third row) so we were pretty much overwhelmed by the size of the screen... as a general rule, avoid the first 4 rows at all costs... but we were running late as it was.

We saw the coolest thing at the ToysRUs tho. Just passing by after eating we stopped there to take a quick peek at the Star Wars tie-in goodies. For whatever reason (I'm quite surprised actually) this particular retail location had a few of those Master Replica light-sabre props for sale - the ones that actually light up and have the motion-sensors to coordinate sound FX. I could see the wheels in Starfish's head turning... hmm... $150 bucks... a baby on the way... yeah, I'm sure his fiance would love to hear he spent that much on a movie prop.
...and I would cement my reputation as a home-wrecker. ^_^;

On a somewhat related note, I had special-ordered some parts at the local Games Workshop location a while ago. They left me a messsage today but since I hadn't come home before going to the mall with Starfish, didn't know that I could've stopped by to pick up my parts today. What irony. Now I'll have to head over after work on my way back to Sherbrooke tomorrow afternoon.

Just as well, I've learned not to drive past Montreal on a Friday before a long weekend. The traffic is a nightmare. So I'm thinking I'll just hang around town for a bit and leave later in the evening.

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