Tuesday, May 24, 2005

For the masses - no RSS at eBloggy?

On a completely random note: seems my geeking out has caught up with eBloggy. I've just recently discovered that Blogger.com generates an RSS/Atom feed and I've placed a dynamically-updated feed graphic over at my FusionAce blog that links to this one. Unfortunately I can't seem to do the same over here.

I've gone over all the documentation at eBloggy and they don't seem to support RSS at all. In fact, the manner in which their system publishes the full blog results in a bunch of dynamically generated code that doesn't necessarily cooperate with feed readers like BurningFeed.com. Some XML weirdness in their objects aren't "Feed-friendly" and BurningFeed's system won't parse the code correctly. That rather sucks because I know a few people read this particular blog and are probably missing out on the other one.

I wonder - is there a way I can generate a feed myself after reading in the HTML page from ebloggy?

Anyway... no time to waste on this any more. Have some stuff in the mail again. Will blog that later tonight.

So if anybody out there knows how to make your own RSS feed out of an existing web-page, please comment and tip me!! Thanks in advance.


running42k said...

I have no idea what you just said

Ben-Ohki said...

Sorry for the techno-babble...
RSS="Really Simple Syndication" - like an automated newsfeed for the web. Blogger generates a simplified XML version of your blog so that a reader can subscribe to it and get the headlines (I bet you're probably generating one right now).