Wednesday, November 21, 2007

email in-joke

Recently I was lamenting the fact that I have a bunch of paper in the house with my full name and address that I feel uncomfortable with just dropping in the recycling. While I'm unlikely to suffer a dumpster-diver in my neighbourhood, I'd rather not take any risk if I can avoid it. Weirdguy offered to loan me an old shredder he found for cheap...

The following is an actual email exchange that occurred this morning:

WG: BTW, I got the shredder in the car.
BO: Wow... how many members of the Foot Clan did you have to fight to get him into the car?
WG: None, they said it was ok if I had him back by 5:00 PM.


Anonymous said...

Um... TMNT joke?

Ben-Ohki said...

You win a no-prize.

...yeah that was a pretty lame joke. :p