Sunday, November 18, 2007

Zaku II: update 2

Since the last update, I formed feet and legs (you win a no-prize for getting that reference). The photos will look a little out of order because of a personal preference: The manual shows how to make 2 of everything at a time but I like to do all the parts for one side first and assemble them before starting on the second set. Here is the first leg done!

I like to split the work into seperate limbs so that I can avoid my own confusion later trying to distinguish parts meant for a left or right limb. Also, by doing a full build on one side, I can work out any puzzles so that I won't waste any more time while doing the second one.

The first example is perfect: here are the "rings" and "springs I talked about in the previous update. This time around I knew right away how many rings I would need and which spring length to use (there are 6 in the box).The following is some more progress I made, all the while remembering what I had learned from the first set. In particular, I had trouble on the first leg with things like how to fit certain pieces together (like that "hose" at the knees). There was also another set of "hoses" that are molded straight but you need to bend them and fit them into the correct slots on the leg armour. It needed to go in in a particular order otherwise it was just too hard to work in.Note the detail Bandai has worked into their mold: the soles of the feet have details sculpted into them.When lunch time rolled around (after, say, 90 minutes to 2 hours of actual work time since my last update) I decided I needed to clean up the work area... here is my progress as of lunch time on day two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must have alot of patience!