Saturday, November 17, 2007

Zaku II - start note

Here's something I picked up a while ago but never got around to starting work on. I grabbed it from a local shop on a whim. It's just been a good long while since the last time I built a Gundam kit. More interesting is that I've never built a Zaku type kit either.

The main reason why I left it for a whole month? Well, I simply haven't been home for a while. The first thing I noticed about the kit was that "glowing eye" in the head. "Master Grade" kits have a tendency to require building the heads first so I couldn't really get a start on this thing without fixing up the eye.

See, unlike pretty much every other robot model kit in the universe, Gundam lore has it that Zaku mecha always have PINK coloured eye sensors... And I've always used a little trick I discovered in my youth: that you could make a pretty cool "lens" effect by covering the front of a transparent piece with clear coloured paint and the back side with a pale metallic coat so that light relfects off of it. Anyway... where does one get a pink clear paint? I'm going to have to mix my own with clear and clear-red... I hope it works out.

Well, here's the contents of the box:And if all goes well... this is what I should wind up with in when I'm done!
I'll post updates as it goes!

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