Thursday, August 17, 2006


Was tagged... I'm bored - you lucked out.

4 jobs I've had:

1. fast food cook
2. waiter
3. computer lab technician
4. programmer/analyst

4 movies I could watch over and over:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. The Wrath of Kahn
3. Patlabor The Movie
4. Macross: "Love; Do You Remember?"

4 places I have lived:

1. Sherbrooke, Quebec
2. Gatineau, Quebec
3. Ottawa, Ontario (any time now)
4. ...ok, so I haven't moved much

4 TV shows I love to watch:

1. Holmes on Homes
2. Hockey Night In Canada
3. Family Guy
4. Hell's Kitchen

4 places I have been on vacation:

1. Toronto, Ontario (including Waterloo & Sarnia; it's a long story)
2. Montreal, Quebec
3. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
4. Hong Kong

4 websites I visit daily:

1. other peoples' blogs
3. several enthusiast BBS's
4. Weathernetwork

4 fave foods

1. pasta (with pretty much anything on it)
2. Vietnamese "pho" soup-noodle
3. Japanese sushi and sashimi (except tuna; I hate the texture)
4. (and ironically) tuna sandwiches (it's a world of difference cooked).

4 places I'd like to be right now:

1. with my folks
2. hanging out with EvilTwin
3. having a coffee break somewhere in town
4. Hong Kong...

4 people I am tagging:

...nobody; I'm lazy (besides, the guy who tagged me stole the list from somebody else and was NOT tagged, so I figure this is cosmic justice). ^_^;

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