Wednesday, February 22, 2006

GoDannar in plastic and die-cast metal

This is the GoDannar I've been raving about for the past month or so. It's an awesome new-school series with an old-school flavour. I'm thinking Evanglion without the depressing undertones. Lots of fan-service too (but we'll get into that some other time). Right now it's all about impossible-science like giant robots doing kung-fu. What could be cooler than that?

How about this? My aunt emailed to tell me she'd picked up this little baby by Max Factory at my uncle's sister's specialty shop for me! My folks will be visiting Hong Kong in a couple of weeks so they'll bring it back for me. Sweet!

On a semi-related note, I've decided that while I'll enjoy tooling with it on weekends, I'll probably not bring it all the way to my apartment as I'm gearing up for the move to my new house this fall. Oh well...

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