Sunday, December 18, 2005

Social experiment...

Did the last of my X-Mas shopping today... I slept in until 11am all messed up. Sadly it wasn't for social reasons. I was up all night playing that accursed PSP game. Looks like discipline goes out the window.

Went to the MEC today to grab some little things gloves so that I can stop freezing in my thin liner-gloves. ^_^;

I tried something to conclude a little experiment today.
A little while ago UG was saying she couldn't understand why she had men drooling over her when there were plenty of other better-looking women around. Note: that's actually somewhat true after she had her son - her figure never quite recovered its original *ahem* form. But don't tell her I said that.
Anyway, during the course of that particular conversation she had noted a comment from her brother who once told her "you make eye contact with everyone you talk to, it's inviting."

I got to thinking how different everyday chores would be if I gauged how people reacted if I made a lingering look into their eyes. And of course, not to be totally stupid (or gay), I also chose members of the opposite sex to try this on.

Yesterday at The Bay's make-up counter I was picking up a little gift basket for my mother. The sales-person fetched my stuff for me from under the counter, swiped my credit card, and put everything in a bag. I only ever made eye-contact when I quickly wished her happy holidays before leaving... It was quick, efficient, but not particularly warm.

At the MEC, when I paid for my gloves, I made eye-contact on purpose... she smiled. I thought that reaction was interesting. Seemed like selling me a pair of gloves was a high-light of her day. Oddly, however, I also noticed that when I said "Merry Christmas," it was almost like an afterthought... Hmm... Not sure what conclussions I could draw from that.

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