Sunday, December 11, 2005

Fun stuff: more Star Wars Minis

This oughtta be old news since they've been out for a while, but the last "expansion" set for Star Wars Minis was called "Universe" which to me implied it would contain all those characters features in novel and comics but not seen in the 6 movies themselves. Turns out the gimick isn't its theme, but rather the new "huge" scale characters.

While doing some much needed Christmas shopping yesterday (it was really nice out for a long walk), I decided to splurge on myself with a booster pack for my Star Wars Minis game and here they are:

And yeah, they are from all over. For instance, yes, it's Darth Vader there, but he's known as "Jedi Hunter" and his game stats on the accompanying playing card shows that he's got unusual rules when playing against other Force characters. This would be the Vader we don't get to see between the events of Episode 3 and Episode 4. Also there's the box-like "Gonk" droid we saw among the scrap heaps in episode 4. While that big monster in the back is some kinda super-duper droid I'm not familiar with at all... his inherent coolness is that he's so damned big. ^_^;
(I'm told it's from some old comic published by Dark Horse called Dark Empire.)

Anywho, I also grabbed another Green Lantern book yesterday. Called "Circle of Fire" it collects one of those "event" type thingies publishers were into a while back when they wanted to push a second-stringer. In this case, Green Lantern teams up with a series of third-tier characters, none of which got any sort of follow-up, unfortunately (not for a while anyway). I've read about half now and I have mixed feelings about it so far. It's not great, but it doesn't suck either.

Also stopped for my weekend latte. Just the right sort of thing when the weather sort of hovers at freezing - like it can't decide whether to be cold or warm.

On a final note and completely unrelated to this post, here's a photo I forgot to post yesterday morning. It shows the case stickers I had finally applied. Just wish it could've been a little clearer....

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