Monday, June 25, 2007

Reflections of Sunday

Trying to make something of the weekend in the city I brought
my family to the Dragon Boat races on Sunday morning after
breakfast. We didn't stay long - such is the reality of
dragging a senior citizen with you. But thankfully
porta-potties were aplenty and the weather was VERY
cooperative... The races themselves were... I don't know. I
only watched one and I thought it was interesting to know these
people trained hard to compete. But there was something
lackluster in the crowd - kind of hard to cheer for something
you have no stake in. Then we wandered around the park taking in the sights (the zoo folks were out with some crocs and snakes; that wasn't something you see every day).
Afterwards my brother and I went downtown to scour the shops
for goodies. And we ran head-long into the rib-fest. The weather was still cooperating. Sunny but a decent breeze and no humidity to speak of.We hit my usual haunts plus a special stop at the Running Room for my brother to grab his free T-shirt (we tore a coupon off a box of Vector cereal that morning). For my own treat, I found a Revoltech figure at Silver Snail and then we went off following our noses...
I suppose some vendors were worth waiting for, but really, I'm not a connoiseur, so I mostly ignored all the trophies the different teams had on display. I wanted to support the local team (local being a Canadian competitor) but they had a line-up of over 30 people! So I went "next-door" (I think they were from Florida) and I ordered a full rack for $20 plus a side of coleslaw and beans. I split it with my brother.
The only thing that bugs me is that the locals are obviously taking advantage of the situation because a convenience store sold me a bottle of Coke for $2.50... I must have been pretty high on something since I paid without complaining.


Anonymous said...

Greed... always makes itself present when it shouldn't.

Ben-Ohki said...

Those convenience stores must be taking their cue from the gas companies...