Tuesday, June 12, 2007

getting a mouthful

This post is for everybody except Weirdguy (who is keeping an archive of our paintball photos already)...
And in case you're wondering: paint "fill" tastes a bit like a LOT of cornstarch mixed in water. It's bitter. But really, I couldn't actually taste much because my mouth was numb from the shock of the impact.


Anonymous said...

This really looks funny. It reminds me of a big bird flying overhead taking target practice.. if you know what I mean.. hehe.. anyway, it really must have hurt!

Ben-Ohki said...

Yah! It actually hurt much more than I thought getting hit in my mask would. And was a lot of the "shell" that came flying through the vents too!

Anonymous said...


MrBabou said...

Not to be rude, but what's the use in making a mask through which the paint balls can go through? Kind of ridiculous if you ask me... There are ways to make this to prevent it.

But still... ouch!

Ben-Ohki said...

The vent are there to breathe through - otherwise it would be insanely uncomfortable. And when a paintball is traveling at you 260 feet per second, I think it makes a difference. :)

I've seen a photo of Ollie Lang (of the L.A. Ironmen) wearing just goggles without a mouthpiece - now THAT's brave!