Saturday, June 09, 2007

Oni-Musume 3 comes home

Here she is, Oni-Musume 3 by Monsier Bomé. It's a strange thing to look back at. Knowing the series of "demon-girls" would continue, I had decided to celebrate moving into my new house by finally busting out the X-acto knife and neatly freeing my Oni-Musume figures from their mint-in-package condition. I put them up in my cabinet and left an empty spot ready for the third in the series to join them. That was about 7 months ago.

I don't know what the real story is (someone even told me that it was a production problem. I don't know. Whatever it was, the January release dates came and went. E-tailers claimed they were "sold out" and my local comics specialty shop still after many months had the original Diamond Comics Distributors ad posted on their wall.

Well, here we are in June... and I brought her home at the earliest chance I had. I'm a little miffed by the way, that my "pimp shirt" for The Comic Book Shoppe does not extend to The Anime Stop. Had I known this, I would have gone ahead and asked at the downtown location to get one of these (which does not distinguish between their anime merchandise and the regular comics). But that's just a minor quibble. I'm just happy she's finally here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I can say is.. wow!