Sunday, April 15, 2007

Weekender: haul list

You'd think I was desperately trying to make up for a week of being in small-town Quebec or something. Here it comes in bullet form.
  • Marvel "Civil War": read the first 2 chapters - I don't know what's to hate. But it might be the horrible scheduling job Marvel had going. Heh - I guess I'm good to have it all in a collected edition. Detailed blog when I'm finished.
  • Pack of Star Wars Minis "Champions of the Force" set - I have the worst luck. This morning I made a count of the hows and whys I stop collecting a given set and CotF is the set I have the least playing pieces of... because in my first 3 packs I got the same no-name generic character! And then Fate steps in and 2 packs I buy 4 months apart subsequently had Darth Maul in them. Go figure.
  • Pack of Star Wars Minis "Starship Battles" - another Imperial Star Destroyer ...not so bad. Can always use more of these babies.
  • Revoltech Type J9 Griffon: oh yes - the local shop finally got one of these in. Revoltech doesn't seem to sell very well around here so I'm just happy they get new ones in at all.
  • Deck of UFS cards: not a new game but new to me. Hopefully I'll find someone to play with. My deck features Taki from Soul Calibur III... I think I'll grab a Chun Li deck from Street Fighter some time. And or Terry Bogard from King of Fighters. This all depends on whether or not I actually like the game once I get around to learning it and playing it.
And now some random pics of stuff... and you can see, living on my own has quickly transformed my kitchen into an all-purpose workshop.
Today's minis...

The Griffon:


MrBabou said...

Hey dude, you don't need to be single to turn your kitchen into an all-purpose something... ;-)

Nice SW minis! Reminds me that I've started playing Knight of the Old Republic PC game...

Ben-Ohki said...

Oh fun!

As for the Minis - the starter box for Revenge of the Sith is still available in some places. Not terribly expensive (it's like any other board game) to get started. And it's ridiculously easy to learn.

And what's nice is that you get to control how much you spend on expanding your collection of playing pieces - you are not obligated to buy more if you don't feel like it. (I'm just a toy whore, so I've gone nuts with the hobby).