Thursday, November 02, 2006

pocari sweat

I just wanted to quickly mention (in spite of my personal crisis of faith - as usual, check the other blog for my long-winded dissertation on the matter) that I finally downed the rest of my bottle of Pocari Sweat.

"Japanophiles" will recognize this funny-named sports drink. It's a white sodium-filled solution that came out in Japan around the same time as Gatorade became popular (let's say 1980s) - and was quite possibly the first ever entry on - a more serious article on it is found at as usual.

What did I think? Like all Japanese foods, it rapidly turned my stomache at first. I remember my first time having a plate of chicken terriyaki on rice and the sauce was so light it felt as though it slid down into my belly and wanted to float its way back up. It was a weird feeling. Of course, I grew to like it. And I think I'll grow to like Pocari Sweat too... but come on, with Gatorade readily available when I go for a run outside, as if I'm going to go out of my way to purchase a bottle of Pocari Sweat (probably a Taiwanese distribution at that; like I'll actually ever find an authentic Japanese edition bottle).

And on top of that, a large glass of orange Gatorade doesn't make my insides feel like they want to do somersaults either. That's really too bad because I really wanted to like this drink right off the bat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The name is just weird. It sounds like bottled sweat from some animal or something.. haha!

Actually I saw Pepsi Red yesterday at the market. I have no idea what it is or what it taste like. I didnt buy it.