Monday, November 06, 2006

memory fragment: heap

S'funny that the other month I was at Walmart (don't ask, my presence there is a shameful episode in my life), but I stopped in the video section to browse what had come out lately. Apparently "Droids" is now out on DVD... seems to be a complete set of the episodes too but I'm not sure.

I have a horrible memory sense for logical stories from things I watched as a kid. Sure I watched the A-Team but I barely remember anything when a co-worker buddy will say something like, "yeah, and remember they had to break Murdock out of the mental hospital before every mission?" And I'd say, "they did? Hmm..."

Well, I barely recall anything from Droids except that as a kid, I loved seeing Threepio and Artoo bumbling around the galaxy on their misadventures. Back then it was hi-class entertainment. I wonder how I'd react if I were to watch it now. I did not buy the DVD as my curiosity was just not that powerful.

All I do remember VERY vividly was a made-for-tv movie version of the series entitled "The Great Heap." I was so excited to learn of the hour-long extravaganza that I even taped it. Today all I can remember is the herald for the sentient trash-compactor creature announcing in a shaky squealy voice, "The Great Heap!"
I really don't remember anything else from this...


Anonymous said...

I remember c3-po cereal! Vanilla taste.. pretty good!

Ben-Ohki said...

Ah, but what shape were they? Pairs of eyes?! ^_^;

Anonymous said...

I think so... but not sure, they did look like 2 loops stuck together.