Sunday, September 10, 2006

weekend haul: GoDannar complete

One of these discs was 10 bucks... the rest were not.

Considering my experience in these matters, you'd think I would've found better deals. As it happened, I stumbled on volume 6 of GoDannar while at the con last weekend marked down (it was a Sunday and the dealer was desperate to get rid of as much stock as they could; I suspect they were taking a hit on the profits tho). As for volume 7, another dealer was asking pretty much retail price - which I knew I could beat back home anyway.

I wore my corporate-whore-shirt to the local comics shop yesterday to get my 10% discount.

I think what drives me up the wall is that ADV sees fit to hook you with a first-volume that contains as many as 5 episodes (just over 2 hours of footage). Then turns around and slowly shrinks the number of shows per disc (the last few discs are actually only 3 episodes). And for a show like GoDannar, that's fatal since the series is insanely fast paced towards the end. I'm glad I waited until I had both volumes in hand before I sat down for a marathon session this weekend.

And I enjoyed it - sometimes I just want mindless action and humourous fan-service. Ya know what's really funny though: all in all, the show is incredibly well written. There wasn't a single thread left dangling at the end and the final volume ties up all the unanswered questions (except for what's up with those skimpy costumes; but then if they answered that, it wouldn't be mindless fan-service anymore, would it?).

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