Sunday, March 05, 2006

Pics: random junk

I just had the urge to post a couple of pics since I've been silent for a few days. Those keeping up with my "life" blog will know I've been dealing with my brother for a while and he came over to see me to help himself decompress his stress. He left a little while ago... I might see him next weekend...

Here's the Asuka in "gothic lolita dress" figure he picked up. I like her; she's cute. However she doesn't actually fit in with the rest of my collection. He asked me to give her a good home for the next few weeks while he goes house hunting over in Montreal. I'll probably pack her back into her box since I really don't have the room for her.

Here's a snap shot of a typical Star Wars Minis game I'm always talking about. To be honest, this is actually a staged shot since it was pretty dark when we got around to playing so the pictures didn't turn out. In this "fake" game, I've set up a team of Rebels defending Echo Base from an Imperial AT-AT (yeah, the one I picked up last weekend). Not particularly visible in the photo is that the map actually has artwork depicting the Echo Base shield generator and other terrain features the characters must deal with (like trenches or doors, etc).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both those things are cool! I always wanted an AT-AT! The Japanese figure is cute!