Friday, March 31, 2006

New Hotness: GoDanner "maxgokin"

A sigh and the anticipate was well worth it... here's my goody all the way from Hong Kong.
As you can see by the scale GoDannar in Twin Drive mode stand just about 10 inches tall (more if you count the simulated flames coming out of his head)... um... more than 18 inches if you count that impossibly long sword. D'ya suppose he's compensating for something?

Well warned from my friends at Robot Japan, I'll be extra careful. Apparently he has a very high plastic content in his insides that can break - plus the paint job is fairly delicate and prone to chipping.
In any case, I'm sad to report he'll be staying here with my folks for the summer since quite frankly I have to keep in mind that I'll be moving in a few short 7 months. Besides which, I'm just too lazy to try disassembling that sword again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a real big sword!