Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My goofy game idea...

My brother once said "if I dream it, someone will sell it."

Enter the recent Karaoke Revolution "Party" edition... Not only do you sing into the USB mic, but you also step on the DDR pad... AND it features an Eye Toy function. Now I'm not too sure how great this is (and believe me, I fully intend to give it a try some time). I can only assume the Eye Toy functions only as a monitor since the standard KR screen layout is fairly busy as it is.

I finally got my grubby hands on a copy of Guitar Hero last night. And I gotta say it was worth the wait. It does a great job simulating the action of strumming on a rhythm guitar in a band.
Taiko Drum Master always bugged me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Babou pointed out that the playing of the Taiko Drum controller was based around the song melody and NOT the percussive beat.
Guitar Hero however really makes you feel like you are playing along with the music you're hearing in the song... which brings me to another point...

What if... we had a Guitar Hero ...80's Pop Rock edition!?! ^_^;
Yah ...it'd incorporate the "guitar controller" with the DDR pad. You'd play the guitar like in GH, but have to do dance steps at the SAME TIME... like Motley Crue (and countless other "hard" rock bands of the day) used to do. Throw in the Eye Toy cam to synchronize your swaying hips and swing your guitar-necks back and forth on screen! Oh wait - also use the USB mic to perform back-up vocals like in Def Leppard's "Switch625" ... "Aaaaaahh-ahhh, aaaaaah-ahhh!" ^o^;;;
Man... I could go on all day...

One thing's for sure: I never knew how badly I sucked at air-guitar until now. ^_^;

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