Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Telus: who's the idiot?

Colour me an idiot...

I've known for months (if not over a year) that I could subscribe to automated text-message alerts on my cellular, but I just never got around to figuring it out until today.

First off, I need to know what the ice conditions are on the Canal so I've set up a subscription to the National Capital Commission's "Rideau Skateway" web site. They'll send me a message every morning so I'll know when to look forward to an afternoon on the ice.

As it happens, I received an email from the Wethernetwork asking me about what I thought about the WeatherEye... *ahem* actually, besides the little box in my sidebar here, I haven't actually used WeatherEye on my desktop for over a year (since 2004, to be precise; I didn't bother reinstalling it after I rebuilt my computer that year.).
Anyway, after completing the survey I decided to check out the mobile services for Weathernetwork and I remembered why I'd given up on subscribing to them: many months (or years, maybe) I had previously tried to figure it out and gave up after bumbling around like an idiot on the Telusmobility site.

See, Telus wants to control all that they can see... So when I'm on the weathernetwork site, I can't find my carrier on the pull-down menu. Instead, there's a note that says, "if you are a Telus subscriber, click here" - which leads me to the login page for Telus's customer care page... and then... what?

It finally occurred to me that what I was supposed to do after logging in was to click on "web alerts" in order to reach the pages where I can manage text message subscriptions. Wait, what? Yes.
I don't even know what subscriptions to a daily text message has to do with the web (except perhaps for the fact that I initially read about it on the web). ARGH!!

Anyway, I now eagerly await my weather due to arrive on my cellphone tomorrow morning at 7am... which should be around the time I'm getting dressed for work...

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