Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What I miss? surprisingly little...

I hesitated long enough that K took up the slack from B... becuase for the most part, I spent all my time trying to come up with 5 things I miss from my childhood and could only think of 1.

So here goes: I miss the certainty.

When you little the biggest problem you have is what you're getting for a birthday gift. Or when you're next trip to a local fast-food place like McD's. If mum'll let you go over to play at your best friend's house that day. Or if you could get away with another piece of candy...

Nowadays I wonder about things like this:
Who are my friends, really? That guy I really honestly thought would keep in touch with hasn't emailed me back in like 6 months... and hasn't called in even longer. I don't even have his current phone number anymore.

If I buy a bag of groceries tonight will it keep in the fridge that long? It's awefully humid out - stocking up fresh veggies probably isn't a great idea.... especially since I live alone. I should eat out and get my veggies in single-serving sizes like salads.

Hmm... what's that squeaking at every pothole? Don't tell me the shocks are going. What's that gonna be, another $200 or so? I dunno... oh well, just another bill in the pile.

And I suppose, at a certain level... yeah, I do try to still get away with another piece of candy. ^_^

1 comment:

Becks said...

I'm all about the flash frozen veggies. they have as much nutrients as fresh. :)

thanks for playing in the 5 things, even if you couldn't think of many.