Saturday, June 25, 2005

Valve caps - don't want for much...

So I absent mindedly wandered into a random shop while hanging around Montreal's Chinatown. At the time I thought to spend a bit of petty cash on minor stuff - like finally finding a bootleg of Kung-Fu Hustle. I'd be more than happy to support legit business in Hong Kong, but sadly, and inexplicably, Stephen Chow's films are all region-locked for Hong Kong so I wouldn't be able to watch them... my alternative is a Chinese or Taiwanese bootleg (btw, I didn't find one)... guess I'll have to settle for a crappy edited American version some time in the next year. :p

Dropped a few bucks for a set of metallic red valve caps for my wheels. Hee hee - the odd thing is that I don't even own alloy rims - these caps will certainly look fast and furious on my stock plastic VW hubcaps. :o

There was a time when I would've been all over the import shops looking for auto accessories, but quite frankly I've settled into the reality that a heavily modded vehicle is simply beyond my means - I've got better and more important things to spend my hard-earned money on. Besides which, my VW bug is rapidly aging, racking up the paint chips and dings, and wear and tear on the interior... *sigh* she's not quite as slick as she used to be.

And I still never got around to getting that fender repainted. Oh well.

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