Thursday, June 22, 2006

"For Tomorrow" - sad truth

So here's that cover image I mentioned in the previous post. Jim Lee kicked off his year-long project by mirroring his cover to Batman #608...

A sad truth I've come to accept is that while the Batman "Hush" run was long-winded (and ultimately fairly dull from a pacing standpoint), it did deserve the Absolute treatment. It featured a story that was at once contemporary and timeless and had pretty much every single Bat-related character... plus Lee's gorgeously kinetic and sexy artwork certainly wasn't a problem either when it came to the Catwoman. I didn't ever want to admit I was so low-brow. *ahem*

But will we ever see "For Tomorrow" as an "Absolute" hardcover deluxe edition? I personally doubt it. And that is the second sad truth I accept now. Fact is, while also full of Lee's beautiful work, "For Tomorrow" suffered from being locked into a particular moment. It happened to tie into the then-current storyline about Metropolis's population mysteriously disappearing from the face of the Earth. If you weren't up-to-speed when you started reading this run, you spent more of your time wondering what was going on than actually trying to follow the plot that was being presented... Which is too bad, because in spite what everybody else says, I think Lee's efforts in this run just as good as his Batman stuff was. And that alone would look fantastic as an over-sized "Absolute" print. It's a shame both ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They need some cute Japanese girls on the cover.. hehe