Sunday, August 24, 2008

Star Wars poster guy

I was at mrbabou's house last week showing off my laptop. So new, I hardly knew what the heck I was doing. But not new enough that I had already gotten it to look the way I wanted, with a sweet Star Wars saga wallpaper on the desktop - surely a requisite of any computer aficionado. Of course, like anybody else of our generation, he proclaimed his love for my sweet Star Wars saga wallpaper.

Anyway, so it got me thinking... where did I find this to begin with?? I'm not going to post it AGAIN, (because it seems to be have been stolen like a gazillion times). But I will post the result of my click-finger-numbing efforts. I finally traced down the source of the famous Star Wars Saga wallpaper.

I present to you, SimonZ's web site:
Just go into the posters section and dig around for a few versions of his original imaging work. The guy is genius, scouring the web for the best of Star Wars imagery in hi-res and then fading and pasting everything together. Check it out today!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words. :) And thanks for the efforts to find the original source.


MrBabou said...

Wow, they truely are amazing! Very nice work indeed. Most of them could easily be official full size posters.
