Wednesday, August 06, 2008

pile of comics

Hooray: 3-in-1 post today.

Firstly, I take back the complaining I did over the weekend saying that I had "nothing to read" because I had a shipping confirmation from Amazon on Friday night. It was hard to know that a long-weekend meant a long-wait for mail to arrive by Tuesday. But in the meantime I very nearly cleared Metal Gear Ac!d 2 on my PSP. Very nearly.

Second, I'd like to thank Marvel for making me read the same cliffhanger twice... Idiots! I don't know who made this editorial decision, but lately I've noticed a lot of overlap with their collected editions. When I got the "Marvel Universe" volume of Marvel Civil War, I was only slightly peeved that it had an issue of She-Hulk I already had from my She-Hulk collected editions. That's the very nature of event tie-ins.
But when it's 4 issues? Come on, now!
After loving the original Annihilation event, I jumped on the relaunched Nova monthly (in trade-paperback format, of course). The first TPB of Nova was called (appropriately) "Annihilation Conquest" because he happens to be a key figure in the second event too. However, this TPB ended on a cliff-hanger... well, guess what? I just read the second half of that TPB all over again because Nova #4-#7 are included in the second volume of Annihilation Conquest. And the overlap ends at the very same cliffhanger?!
Since Nova figures into the rest of the volume, guess what they do? Marvel summarizes the rest of that particular storyline on a single text-only page before heading into the rest of the story (consisting of the Wraith mini and the Conquest proper mini).

Third: my pull list this week
Wildcats #1 - relaunched ...AGAIN. Ties into the 'end of the world plot' from Number of the Beast event. It's too bad that OTHER Wildcats relaunch was a failure...
Authority #2 - relaunched ...AGAIN). Also ties into NotB. Also too bad about the previous relaunch...
Echo #5 - just plain weird. But no failures here!
Fathom Vol.3#1 - Ale Garza does good pictures... I'll miss Turner's original look though.
WH40k: Exterminatus #1 - not a fan of the art, but if it gives colour to my tabletop games, that's cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to collect comics when I was young.. I still have a big box of them. I don't know what to do with them since most of them don't have much value to me, but they may have market value, yet I have no idea how to price them. *sigh*