Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Reaction: 3:10 to Yuma

Hollywood is too lazy to come up with anything but a remake... so I will be lazy too and simply repost what I wrote in an on-line forum earlier today.

A little bit of context is required however. After the movie my people went out for a late supper and at the time, over a stack of mini-cheeseburgers, I had given the film 7 out of 10. I reasoned then than just because I disliked certain story decisions did not make for a bad film, it just wasn't my cup of tea. The post follows:

Having slept on it, I'm going to tune down my rating from a 7 to a 6 because it occurs to me that on the scale, I enjoyed some movies more and still gave them 7.

Slick, lots of action... Crowe played his usual smart-alec character full of bravado. Most folks complained that there were under-developped plot-lines and red-herrings, but I tend to believe that it was the character's bravado and tall-tales. There was enough testosterone around the camp-fire to drown in, so I don't doubt a lot of what was said in the dialog was just trash-talk.

Christian Bale provided a suitable counter-balance to the big-talking villain with his quiet simmering... well, except whenever Jodie Foster was involved. I don't blame him. If anything, given the weakness of the script, I'm amazed the cast did what they could with it.

But the burgers sure tasted good. I would also remind folks to eat them when they arrive because once they start cooling down, they tend to dry up a bit. Oh wait, where was I?

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