Wednesday, May 16, 2007

2 unrelated things

First, an update: It cost me 10 bucks plus tax to get a replacement banjo fitting at the pro-shop. It was their last one (apparently they go through these like hot-cakes)... They had it down to an art: in the time it took me to run back to my car to pick up my wallet, they installed the replacement and were screwing in a tank to test it. A couple of dry-fire shots later, I was packing up and ready to leave.

Second, a reactionary note: I'm disappointed in the publishing job behind the Ultraman Tiga DVDs as a whole. But I can't complain due to the very fact that they exist at all considering the messed up licensing wars going on between the Taiwanese and Japanese copyright holders. But still, the American release could've used some consistency. Remember when I said the first volume had an authoring bug that crashed my DVD player? (The bonus features playback would not jump back to the menu when it was done leaving it stuck in an endless loop). Well, besides that kind of foolishness, there were the occasional glitches in the video. Finally, for volume 4 (which finally arrived in the mail yesterday) the whole deal stank of "rush job." There is no insert in volume 4 (I thought it might be a mistake so I had to look that up on the web). And there's also the complete mis-print on the episode list on the back cover (somebody cut'n'pasted the titles from volume 3). Actual show review later.

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