Sunday, April 09, 2006

D.O.M.4 - yes, really.

Because of Nakazawa-san's age, I've decided she doesn't really count (but her role in the "Hello Morning" bus-stop skits as the sexy school teacher gets that old Van Halen song running through my head regardless).

But it's time for another post that makes me feel like a Dirty Old Man.

Actually, Yaguchi Mari gets my respect for sticking to her guns more than anything else. Starting out being recognized only as "the short one," 2nd-gen member Yagu-chan later became the loud-mouth of the group being the most outspoken and frequently being the funniest one. She even got a catch-phrase to go with a fictional super-power: "Sexy Beam!" During her time with MoMusu, Yagchi gave the group spunk and quick-wit, often throwing down retorts whenever talk show comedians tried to have fun at her expense. And she was damn cute doing it too.

Sadly for the fans however, she fought the old adage that said a pop-princess's personal life is controlled by the production company that made her. When the news story broke that she was romantically involved with another Japanese celebrity, Yaguchi quit Morning Musume before anyone could kick her out. Yes, that's just the way it is in the entertainment industry: Yaguchi was 22 at the time but all the MoMusu girls are supposed to remain single - it's part of the image and package presentation... Sad.

1 comment:

Creative said...

She's so cute, all those Morning Mosume girls are.